DNS, or domain name system, matches websites such as "website.com" to IP addresses. DNS delegation allows server administrators to delegate DNS subdomains to other IP addresses, for example, "otherwebsite.website.com" could go to a completely separate IP address. The administrators of "otherwebsite.website.com" are responsible for this DNS record, allowing subdomains of a single domain to be hosted on different servers or even by different companies. Microsoft's "Dcdiag" command-line tool can test and report whether DNS delegation is functioning properly.
1. Download and install Microsoft's Remote Server Administration Tools package (see Resources.) If you're running a server edition of Windows, these tools are already installed.
2. Click "Start," click "All Programs," click "Accessories," right-click "Command Prompt and click "Run as Administrator."
3. Click "Yes" to the user account control prompt, if one appears.
4. Type "Dcdiag.exe /test:DNS /DnsDelegation" into the command prompt window and press "Enter."
Tags: otherwebsite website