Discount card fundraisers benefit organizations, purchasers, and encourage sales.
Discount cards are excellent fundraisers because they are easy to sell and save purchasers money. They are cards that provide discounts from local retailers who have agreed to support the organization. A discount card manufacturer will take care of signing up retailers to participate in the card, so organizations can spend their time marketing and selling the cards.
Fundraising Organization
1. Organize a committee to work on the discount store fundraiser. A minimum of four members should be sufficient to ensure that no one is overburdened. One person can arrange for the discount cards, one can handle publicity, and two can organize sales.
2. Make a list of companies that create discount fundraiser cards.
3. Contact companies that manufacture discount cards and compare prices. Ask about pricing, minimum orders, and whether you can request certain stores to be included on the discount card.
4. Create signs and fliers about the discount cards. Offer a pre-order sale price so that you can have cards sold before you obtain them. Pre-ordered sales will also help you estimate how many discount cards you should order.
5. Choose a company, order the discount cards, and request a complete list of retailers who will be giving discounts to purchasers using the card.
6. Ask participating stores if you can put up a flier about the fundraiser discount card or sell it in front of their store. A customer might be willing to purchase the card if it instantly saves them money.
7. Send home forms with organization members asking them to sell the cards to friends and neighbors, purchase them, or sign up to sell them at a community location for a few hours. Offer small prizes or incentives to the person who sells the most cards.
8. Arrange to have a table selling the discount cards at a busy shopping center or popular community area. Make a schedule and organize members to sell the discount cards at the table. Display a list of retailers giving discounts and create a sign identifying your organization and how they plan to use the funds.
9. Designate one committee person to collect and keep track of the money raised.
Tags: discount cards, discount cards, companies that, discount card, giving discounts, list retailers