Fragrance models
wander around a store spraying perfume or cologne on small cards to offer to customers and potential buyers. The job focuses on selling a fragrance and can offer decent money and a great way to meet people. Many companies require their models to dress a certain way and the job is often part-time or temporary during a promotion.
1. Contact the department store to find out if the fragrance counters have knowledge of specific job openings or upcoming promotions. Fragrance models are often independent contractors of the fragrance company, but the department store may be able to give you phone numbers and email addresses of people in the business.
2. Search websites of your favorite fragrance manufacturers. Email or call customer service or human resources to ask about possible employment. Be willing to send photos and a resume or schedule an interview-you never know whom you could end up talking to.
3. Talk to friends who may be able to get you involved where they work. If you know someone who is already involved, he or she may be able to bring you into a large promotion and show the boss you're worth hiring again.
4. Check college job boards, which often post temporary or part-time job openings. Fragrance model positions are great for college students who are willing to work temporary or part-time hours in an interesting non-traditional field.
5. Contact a modeling agency. An agent can get you in touch with the right fragrance marketing department and help you to do more than just spritz perfume if your goal is modeling for print or broadcast.
Tags: department store, Fragrance models, temporary part-time