Monday, December 7, 2015

What Are The Elements Of A Strategic Business Plan In Direct Marketing

What Are the Elements of a Strategic Business Plan in Direct Marketing?

With a strategic business plan, a direct marketer develops a clear, concise plan of action. The strategic plan guides the direct marketer in his daily activity and improves the performance of his direct-marketing organization. By understanding and implementing the elements of a strategic business plan, the direct marketer puts his organization squarely on the path to success.

Set Targets

Determine exactly what you want. Be specific: How many new associates do you hope to bring on? How much in sales? Promotions? How much income? Break those numbers into daily targets and make sure everyone in the organization is familiar with them.

Define Your Contributions

Spell out exactly what you intend to give in return to achieve the goals and objectives you listed before.

Set Timelines

Establish a time line for reaching goals and objectives. Be specific. Commit to your deadlines.

Define Daily Action Steps

Create daily action steps and start carrying them out immediately, regardless of whether you feel "ready" to put the plan into action.

Issue a Goals Statement

Write out a clear, concise statement of your specific goals and objectives, determine the time frame for achieving each of them, and state what you intend to give in return. Example: "Contact three new people daily, and turn two of them into customers."

Tags: direct marketer, goals objectives, business plan direct, clear concise, Direct Marketing, Elements Strategic, exactly what