Monday, December 28, 2015

Look Up Phone Numbers

Look Up Phone Numbers

Every day, people must look up phone numbers to contact friends, businesses or colleagues at work. There are various ways to look up phone numbers, including the White Pages, the Yellow Pages, 411 or the Internet.


1. Use the Yellow Pages or White Pages. These phone directories remain an effective way to look up phone numbers for individuals or businesses. Use the Yellow Pages to find a phone number for a business. The Yellow Pages lists types of businesses alphabetically so flip through the book until you find the type of business you need (i.e., restaurant, car dealership, etc.). Use the White Pages to find an individual or family in your area. The White Pages is organized alphabetically by surname; flip through the book until you locate the last name of the person you are trying to call. If you do not have the Yellow Pages or White Pages, visit your local library to consult these directories for free.

2. Try the Internet. Sites such as Anywho and Switchboard (see Resources) allow you to search for an individual's or business' phone number for free. Type the name of the business or the last name of the person you are trying to contact into the site's search engine. The site will then provide you with a list of phone numbers that match the name you provided. These websites also give you the option of a "reverse phone number" search. If you have an unidentified phone number, you can type the number into the site's search engine to discover the owner of the number.

3. Call 411. If you do not have access to a phone directory or the Internet, call 411 to look up a phone number. After you dial 411 into your phone, an operator will help you find the number you need. Using 411 services does cost a fee so use it sparingly.

Tags: phone number, White Pages, Yellow Pages, look phone, look phone numbers, phone numbers, book until