Writing this type of proposal is often a team effort.
A social media campaign proposal is commonly written by upper level business executives who are in charge of social media programs within the business. The proposal is an outline of the company's plan for their social media campaign. This type of proposal can be written before any social media efforts are launched or after the efforts have been launched in an attempt to make the campaign more profitable. Take the time to estimate what the return on the investment (ROI) for the social media campaign should be to pay for the manpower to create and update the social media accounts.
1. Include what type of social media accounts are to be included in the campaign proposal. Some social media websites for businesses are Facebook and Twitter.
2. Add information about what will be included to start each account. For example, Twitter accounts don't usually contain much information about the business, while a Facebook business page can contain a lot of information and will take more time to set up.
3. Write out a list of content that will be included on the social media sites. For example, if your company has a blog or newsletter, include links to recent articles. Use social media sites to give customers valuable tips, ask for customer feedback, post company updates or offer special discounts on products and services.
4. Talk about how the content that will be included will engage your customers. Social media campaigns will not bring in a return on investment if you do not engage your customers and position your business as an industry expert.
5. Estimate the return on investment you need to break even. Factor in the amount of time you believe it will take to set up the social media accounts, as well as the amount of time per day or week it will take to regularly update the accounts. Have people on your team who are already familiar with social media websites, and who can help you make these estimates.
6. Finish the estimates by assigning team members various tasks. Base the amount you need to earn back with the social media campaign on the salary of the employees working on the project.
7. Select a plan to monitor the return on investment. Add this information to the proposal. Whenever a customer purchases something from your company, for example, use a simple survey to ask the customers how she heard of the company and what made her decide to buy. Your social media accounts should be on the list of available options. After a period of time, such as six months, go through the surveys and determine which customers heard of the company or bought because of something seen or posted on the social media sites, which allows you to estimate the ROI for the campaign.
Tags: social media, media accounts, return investment, social media accounts, media sites