Monday, November 3, 2014

Use Social Media To Promote My Business

Use Social Media to Promote My Business

One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to promote your business is to use social media networking websites. With millions of people using these sites on a daily basis, social networking platforms have become a virtual window to free Internet promotion. This type of promotion also can be fun because social networks foster casual and friendly connections with people who share your interests.


1. Register on multiple social networking websites. To effectively use social media techniques to promote your business, you can't rely on just one network. Participating in multiple avenues of social media will expand your reach to millions of web users and increase your clientele base. Register with numerous sites, such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and complete your online profile for each site you join.

2. Decide what type of associates you're going to target and connect with them. Most social networking sites allow you to browse user profiles and send friend requests. Browse for people and groups who have listed hobbies and interests that relate to your business and add them to your network of friends. Once you have accumulated these friends, you can interact with them within the network publicly and via private messages.

3. Interact with your network on a personal level. Though you are using social media sites for business, remember that overdoing it can make your profile lean more toward an advertisement rather than a social networking profile. Mention your business, products or services, but don't be overly self-promotional. Speak to your audience on a casual level about topics relevant to your business.

4. Circulate links. When you're posting blog articles, comments, bulletins or event invitations, add a link to your website. You can link to any page you want that is relevant to the topic of your post. This technique can drive more traffic to your site.

5. Link your social networking profiles. If you're promoting your business on multiple websites, let your audience know that. For example, include a link to your Twitter page on your Facebook page. To save time and reach more people, connect all of your social media accounts to post items -- like bulletins, blogs and press releases -- to all of your profiles at once.

6. Keep your social media profiles active. The most effective way to use your social media profiles to promote your business is to remain active. Post items, add new contacts and interact with your fellow users on a frequent basis. Making your presence known will draw attention from other users and maintain a constant flow of fresh content to attract search engine attention and increase your page ranking.

Tags: your business, social media, social networking, your social, promote your, promote your business