Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Respect Muslim Culture And Beliefs

Many Americans (and other outsiders) generally misunderstand the culture and beliefs of the Muslim religion. Not all practicing Islamic sects follow the exact same set of beliefs, and it is usually the more inhumane or discriminatory practices that are publicized heavily. You should respect different religions, including Muslim, no matter how different they may be from your own.


1. Learn the basic principles of the Muslim faith, whether you read the Qur'an in its entirety or study its passages online. Keep an open mind as you try to gain an understanding of the general beliefs.

2. Recognize the differences between the Islamic sects. There are several different sets of beliefs within the Muslim religion. Some of these people have chosen to interpret the Qur'an to cause harm in the name of religion. Do not blame every Muslim for the beliefs of a few.

3. Stop discriminating against people simply because of their clothing. Different cultures ask men and women to cover themselves, which makes them stand out in public places. You should never judge a person simply because of modest coverings.

4. Avert your eyes to avoid staring at a Muslim woman in public. It is a form of indecency to "check out" an Islamic woman. You should treat all women with respect regardless of their religion.

5. Allow concessions for modesty. In the Muslim culture, woman may not remove certain garments, which means it may be necessary to allow a bending of the rules or dress code so that she may wear a head covering.

6. Avoid being in the room with an Islamic woman alone if you are a man. There should always be another female in the room to avoid the look of impropriety.

7. Wear modest clothing when visiting Muslim countries, especially places of worship or of cultural significance. At the very least, women should cover their heads with a scarf, but you should leave the shorts and tank tops at home as well.

8. Respect Muslim holidays and prayer time. Each Muslim must perform the five daily prayers. Do not interrupt a prayer. This is a key part of the culture, which allows practitioners to think of seeking God's guidance and forgiveness throughout the day.

Tags: Islamic sects, Islamic woman, Muslim religion, Respect Muslim, simply because