Monday, March 16, 2015

Advertising Strategies For A Target Market

Effectively targeted advertising can improve results.

Targeting a market with advertising instead of advertising to a mass audience can be more effective, because the message can be tailored and more efficiently delivered to that market. Understand the optimum approach for advertising to a target market, and you will acquire more customers and increase sales.


Select media that your target market is regularly exposed to. For example, if you want to sell tires to men, you might advertise during morning drive time using radio. If your target market uses them, employ social media such as Twitter and Facebook. These communications vehicles can help you reinforce your brand and provide a way for you to regularly communicate with your customers.


Your message should address your target market in a way that recognizes the unique attributes of that market. The message should capture the immediate attention of members of the market and give them a reason to continue to receive your message. It should also contain a call to action. A call to action defines specifically what you want a prospect to do. For example, "Pick up the phone and call today for your appointment."


Measure the effectiveness of your targeted advertising. For example, survey your market to determine if brand awareness has increased. Measure the number of qualified prospects your advertising delivered from the target market and the number who actually became customers. Segment results by the medium used.


Test different approaches to advertise in the targeted market. For example, if you are using newspaper advertising, test two different messages and determine which one produces the best results. One important component to test is the headline, which often determines if a prospect decides to act on your message.

Tags: message should, target market, your target, your target market, call action