Monday, January 19, 2015

Use Twitter For Your Company

Twitter is a social networking community that allows you to communicate through 140 characters or less. Although many people use the tool to stay in touch with friends, colleagues and family members, businesses also use the site to reach customers and advertise their services. Twitter is a free online tool that can help businesses grow and improve customer service. However, you can hurt your company's reputation if you dive into Twitter without first learning the basics.


1. Build a relationship with your customers on Twitter. You can search Twitter by keyword. This is one way to find out who is discussing your service or product. Follow your customers and engage in conversations with them. This will help you understand your customers' wants and needs. Don't simply promote your business on Twitter. Remember, it's a social network. Conversations that show you truly care about your customers are key.

2. Help customers through Twitter. When a customer raises a question or complaint about your product or service, answer immediately through the social networking site. Providing customer service in innovative ways helps you build a bigger base of loyal fans and supporters. Companies that use Twitter for customer service include Dell with its "DellCares" account and JetBlue Airways with its "JetBlue" page, which has more than 1.5 million followers.

3. Introduce new or current customers to your products. If you own a clothing company and you have a new design, post pictures and links to Twitter. Create a buzz. Your followers can help spread the word if they like your work. They also can ask questions and provide immediate feedback. If you don't think Twitter users respond to product launches, just ask Apple. The release of the iPad and the iPhone 4 generated tons of Twitter buzz.

4. Promote your events and website through Twitter. Send links to all of your followers often to keep your company fresh in their minds. Offer promotions and contests to people who retweet your links to others. Use a link-shortening service, like, and an analytics program, like Google Analytics, to keep track of how many people are visiting your site from Twitter.

5. Add relevant followers who are interested in the types of products and services you provide. Many people will follow you back or suggest your profile to their own friends and followers. Participate in the Twitter community. For example, if you sell rock-climbing gear, follow and interact with the rock-climbing bloggers.

Tags: your customers, customer service, about your, social networking, through Twitter, your company