Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Best Way To Start An Online Business

The recent expansion of Internet-based technologies provides a number of exciting new advantages for the small-business entrepreneur. It is now possible to start an online business with low infrastructure cost, inexpensive marketing techniques, nonexistent distribution costs and affordable development cost.

Develop a Business Model

Determine the scope of products and services that your online business will provide. Obviously, this decision should be heavily influenced by your experience and expertise in a particular field.

Finding Web Hosting

There are a number of Internet services that offer inexpensive web hosting services. This is the mechanism used to store the files that will make up your online web presence.

Securing Secondary Services

Depending on the nature of your business, you will need to purchase secondary services, such as a security certificate for secure web commerce transactions.

Web Platform Development Strategy

A simple Internet search for freelance programmers should reveal any number of possible sites for finding programmers with the expertise to help develop your web platform. This is especially important if you require a heavily customized site in order to provide your product or service. Ensure that you carefully check the references of any freelance programmers so that you're comfortable with their skill levels.


Once you have developed your website, it will be important to get the word out about your new online business. There are any number of Internet marketing vehicles, such as Google's AdWords, that only require you to pay based on your ad's performance.

However, don't forget about taking advantage of free marketing opportunities, such as placement on major search engines by virtue of a search engine optimization (SEO) effort. Free marketing opportunities are also available through social networking sties such as Facebook and Twitter.

For instance, consider starting a Twitter account in your business name. Use this account to provide assistance and free advice to people who are having problems in your field of expertise. This marketing technique generates positive word-of-mouth buzz that should lead to new business opportunities for a very small upfront investment.

Tags: online business, your online, business will, freelance programmers, marketing opportunities, number Internet, services that