Thursday, January 22, 2015

Effective Visual Displays For Merchandising

An effective visual display should establish an emotional connection with a customer.

Creative retail displays can draw in customers and draw attention to special items. Your designs should be eye-catching. When putting a visual display together, ask yourself: "Is it exciting? Does it encourage the customer to stop and shop?"


Group colors together and keep the design simple.

Creative merchandising is not a science; there are no absolute rules. It is closely akin to art because the rules are implicit and they can always be broken for special effects. Key components of all visual displays are color, lighting, balance and simplicity.


When designing a retail display, remember to keep it simple.

Place the largest item, which will become the focal point of your display, first. Arrange the other items around it. Do not try to make your display symmetrical. Generally, symmetrical designs are boring. Your design should be asymmetrical and simple. Avoid trying to display too many items. Remember the axiom, "Less is more." Use variations of one color or, at most, two complementary colors. Introduce an element of surprise by combining items in an unexpected way.


The purpose of your visual display is to promote and sell, so keep the presentation upbeat and lively. Entertain your customers and make their shopping experience enjoyable. Mix it up and change your displays frequently.

Tags: visual display, your display