Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Make A Promotional Mix Cd

You are a music guru, rapper,or singer. If you want to get our sound heard you have to have a product for listeners,a nd a promotional mixed CD is an easy way to go. Using already famous beats and tunes with your lyrics over them will attract more people, and will lead to getting your songs heard each day.


1. Find good instrumentals that fit your style of rap or song making skills. Soundclick.com has an instrumental section that offers different genres of music. Some music creators offer free downloads while others may charge fees for promotional use only.

2. Record your songs/raps over the music. You can use a digital recorder where price ranges from $600-$2,000, or if you don't want to worry about mastering and recording you can go to a music studio.

3. Burn the finished product and make many copies. Make sure you use quality CD's so you can get the best possible sound. Also keep a master of the song for yourself. If you use a home digital recorder, the master will be burned into the instrument.

4. Distribute the CD to as many people as possible. Aim for media play, or you can upload the song/songs to websites such as soundclick, or you can create a my space music page. Make sure to give credit to the music creator and to copyright your lyrics.

Tags: digital recorder, Make sure, your lyrics, your songs