Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Get People To Purchase Ads In A Souvenir Book

Get People to Purchase Ads in a Souvenir Book

Selling advertising space in a souvenir book is a great way to bring in some extra revenue for your event or organization. If you've never convinced potential advertisers that the investment is worth the cost, doing so can seem challenging, but follow these simple steps to sell ads and increase your organization's profit.


1. Determine the kind of advertisers that would be interested in reaching your target audience and make a list. If you are holding a wine tasting event, for example, you might want to seek out beverage distributors as advertisers. For motorcycle rallies you would want to contact leather distributors, auto parts dealers and eateries.

2. Compose a marketing letter that persuades potential advertisers that your souvenir book is a good investment. Be sure to include information about your specific audience, the size of the book's distribution and the cost for different sizes of advertising. If you are holding a charity event or fundraiser, don't forget to mention how an advertiser's sponsorship will benefit the cause.

3. Mail the marketing letters, and wait one week before following up with a phone call. Remind the person of your event and the advertising opportunity, and then ask them if they've had time to consider their preferred ad option.

4. Offer a discount to your advertisers if they select a full-page ad. By making them feel like they are getting a good deal, you will increase your profit potential, satisfy both advertisers and attendees and keep all parties coming back to you for future events.

5. Place an advertisement of your own in the local newspaper or on television, urging advertisers to select ad space within their marketing budget in your souvenir book.

6. Keep a database of advertisers' contact information, as well as their purchase history, to use during future campaigns.

Tags: advertisers that, increase your, People Purchase, People Purchase Souvenir, potential advertisers