Monday, October 6, 2014

Implement The 4 Ps Of Marketing In Healthcare

Use the 4Ps to analyze where your healthcare business is positioned in the marketplace.

Successful businesses, no matter what industry they're in, are not accidental. Lots of hard work and energy goes into the planning process. The health care industry is no different. The 4 Ps of marketing is used as an analysis tool to help determine which combination of advertising channels will be employed to meet the promotional objectives of one's marketing plan.

This includes looking at a specific product and strategically planning the placement, price and promotion around it. Using variations of these elements helps the business reach multiple consumers within their target market.


1. Analyze the product by taking note of its function, appearance and packaging within the marketplace. How does healthcare sell preventative measures to well-bodied individuals that are already healthy, and how do they assist those who are not?

2. Look at how your healthcare facility distributes its services. How do patients get there? Are there competing hospitals in the immediate area? How many levels of service will the patient touch in a typical appointment?

3. Price the costs of your healthcare facility fairly. Does your price points offer a fair profit and affordable services to the individuals in your communities? How do patients pay for their services? Do employer benefits or money through state-funded programs account for the majority of payments?

4. Promote your services. How will you communicate and sell your product to potential patients? Is it through their benefits packages associated with their employer or through traditional mediums of advertising, like broadcast television, radio and magazines?

Tags: your healthcare, healthcare facility, your healthcare facility