Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Get Your Child In Television Commercials

Acting in commercials is a good way to earn money for things such as college and travel.

Have you ever thought, "my child is so cute, he should be in television commercials"? It could happen. Children are in high demand to be in commercials for all types of products. There is a lot of money to be made in the commercial industry, and children who do well can often save enough for college.


1. One of the first things you should do when introducing a child into the commercial industry is to hire an agent. You can find listings for child-specific agents in the yellow pages or online. It's a good idea to select an agent based on recommendations from other people in the business. This person will find auditions for your child.

2. After hiring an agent, it is helpful to enroll your child into "commercial classes." These courses teach children audition, deliver lines, become comfortable in front of cameras, and take stage directions from others. Like agents and managers, class providers can be found online and in the yellow pages. Make sure to select a company with lots of good credentials. For example, have they taught children who have gone on to be successful in the commercial industry? These companies should provide you with this information when you visit for a consultation.

3. After your child has found an agent and while she is taking the appropriate courses, it's time to get out there and audition! This can be a frustrating process because the commercial industry is so competitive. It just takes persistence; don't let yours or your child's spirits get down. There are a lot of auditions and it is likely that someone will eventually cast your child. Your agent or manager should inform you of auditions in your area, but you can also find them yourself by searching online for casting calls in your area.

4. Before you go to an audition, make sure that your child knows what is expected of him or her for that particular situation. In the audition call, you will usually be provided with what "look" or "style" is being scouted. For example, some auditions are for speaking parts while others are not. Some auditions are looking for "spunky" attitudes while others are looking for children who work well with others. Make sure to get all the information up front so your child has the best chance of wowing the representatives at the audition. Bring the child's head shots to each audition.

Tags: your child, commercial industry, auditions your, child into, child into commercial