Thursday, April 2, 2015

Techniques To Chat Up Women

Like any art, the art of chatting women up takes practice. Social networking online offers a plethora of opportunities for practice. Whether chatting online or in person, general rules apply, but the art of chatting women up online requires attention to important differences.


Women like compliments on things they have control over such as clothing and jewelry. Social networking online means you won't be able to see the clothing or jewelry. Since she's in control of everything she writes, however, you'll have ample opportunity in an online chat. Compliment her style of writing, use of words or humor. Notice how she emphasizes a point--all CAPS, dot dot dot, or emoticons. Compliment her on her speed if she's quick to respond or on her thoughtfulness if she's slow.


Building trust is an important part of any relationship and chatting women up online is no exception. Make efforts to be yourself and to communicate honestly as you would in person. When social networking online, trust can build over time only if she senses continuity in your responses. Tell the truth so responses jibe. If you do get caught in an inconsistency, apologize and turn over a new leaf. Tell her you are going to make an effort to be yourself so she can truly get to know you.


Have fun. says, "It's never too late to develop and embrace your playful, humorous side." Avoid religion and politics when chatting women up online and try to have fun. "You can be funny about the truth," suggests, "but covering up the truth isn't funny. When you use humor and playfulness as a cover for other emotions, you create confusion and mistrust in your relationships."


Listening is an important skill in any conversation, but active listening involves eye contact and open body language. Online chatting makes that impossible, so make sure you respond directly to what she is saying. Ask questions about how she feels and what she thinks. Show an interest in her and she'll know you're listening to her.


Remember that you're chatting women up online because you want to have a relationship. The value, the fun of it, is in the possible camaraderie that might develop. Don't let the focus slip to the topics you chat about. It's okay to communicate that you disagree, but avoid shifting the focus to who's right or who's wrong. Focus on the relationship you are creating and she'll look forward to hearing from you.


A woman likes to know your intentions. Let her know what you are interested in and she will appreciate your candor. If the two of you aren't on the same page, it's time to move on. This provides an opportunity to practice telling the truth and will serve you well in the long run. Don't waste time pretending when there could be a more meaningful relationship in your future.


These same guidelines apply when chatting women up in person.


Remember, when it comes to chatting online, you cannot know whether it's really a woman or whether she's being honest with you. If and when you make a date to meet in person, choose a public place.

Tags: chatting women, chatting women online, women online, networking online, chatting online, clothing jewelry