Monday, April 27, 2015

Storefront Window Glass Types

Glass storefronts can be used to advertise what is inside the store.

Different types of glass can be used on storefronts depending upon what the store is selling, how they are trying to appeal to customers and what type of business is going on within the store itself. It is important for owners to put some consideration into this aspect of their business's design as it is the first thing their customers will see before entering the establishment.

Clear Glass

Simple, clear glass is used in many retail storefront windows because it lights the inside of the store while allowing people passing outside to see products and other people buying them. A clear glass storefront can help a store sell products because it provides a place for business owners to display products, drawing customers into the store.

Stained Glass

Stained-glass windows are mosaics of colored glass attached together to form figures and murals, which light shines through, creating a hue on the inside or outside of an establishment. This glass is most often seen in churches but is also used as a storefront for many restaurants and bars, giving a festive and inviting feel to people dining and drinking inside. A downside to stained-glass window storefronts is that they are very expensive to produce and install over a large area.

Frosted Glass

Frosted glass storefronts are usually used in establishments that want to allow light inside but don't necessarily want everyone passing by to be able to look in at customers or employees. A frosted finish is left on the surface of the panes of glass itself and is thick and cloudy, allowing diffused light to pass through it but no real detail, colors or shapes. Frosted glass is used on businesses like day spas or doctor's offices. This allows light but also provides privacy for clients and customers

Tags: glass used, clear glass, Frosted glass, inside store