Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Plan A Dedication & Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Make an event even more special by having a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

A dedication for the opening of a new business venue or recreation site is not the same without a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Be at the forefront and facilitate creating such a ceremonious event. As with any other successful event, proper planning is essential. Allow enough "pre-production" time for the event. You don't want to wait until the last minute and add any additional stress. If done the right way, creating such an event can be a fun and rewarding task.


1. Consult with key members of the business the ceremony will be arranged for to discuss times they will be available. You will want to arrange the event around their schedule. All the key participants will have to be present at the ceremony.

2. Choose a master of ceremonies to host your event. Pick someone who has excellent public speaking skills and a great sense of humor to entertain the guests.

3. Create a list of people to invite. Utilize the help of the key participants. You want to include people they want to invite as well.

4. Promote the ceremony. Organize a list of media you can use to publicize the event, such as newspapers, television, Internet and radio. Contact each media outlet. Print flyers and posters to display around the neighborhood. Think about your target audience to help you choose locations for promotion, such as grocery stores, schools or anywhere with a lot of people and business activity.

5. Make an invitation that includes the name of the ceremony, address and time of the event. Include the names of the important associated figures such as the host, ribbon-cutter and other key participants. Provide information on the invitation for potential guests to R.S.V.P.

6. Create a program to give to the guests so they know vital information such as who will be speaking; what time the actual ribbon-cutting ceremony will begin; who the key participants of the event are; and the closing time.

7. Send out the invitations and keep an accurate file of the R.S.V.P list.

8. Purchase a pair of giant scissors (about 3 feet long) and some long red ribbon. These can be purchased at a party supply store.

9. The morning of the ceremony, set up the seating to accommodate all of the invited guests. Sit back, watch the fruits of your hard work, and enjoy the ceremony.

Tags: ribbon-cutting ceremony, ceremony will, creating such, guests Create, time event