Koi Are A Blast!
Most people don't catch the Koi bug until they move into a rental property with an abandoned fish pond or buy a house with enough property to dig a hole and fill with water. Once you've caught the bug, one fish will turn into two and four and eight and before you know it, you'll have a Koi Farm. Here are the steps you'll need to follow to begin.
1. Proper ecosystem for your fish. If you are going to farm fish, you have to become a farmer. Koi are wonderful little creatures, but they need lots of love if you're going to keep them. They get really big and since you are going to farming them, you will need to have sufficient space for your breeding stock. Koi fish don't fully mature until they are 15 years old. They can breed before this, but they need the proper environment.
2. Lots of oxygen in the water. Water needs balance to sustain the lives of it's inhabitants. Oxygen absorption is key to healthy invigorated fish. Aeration is caused when a waterfall splashes the surface and air bubbles pop at the surface. You can also get underwater aerators which blow bubbles into the water and pop at the surface. The more aeration the better. You also need to learn about proper nutrition and diet.
3. Monitor the PH, alkalinity, water hardness, ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites. If you don't know what these mean, you will need to put the fish farm on hold and start researching. Start with a gold fish and learn keep it from dying. Move up to two gold fish and then when you feel you have a good idea of keep them alive, buy a koi fish.
4. Buy the best breeding stock you can afford. If you buy the culled Koi that Koi farms didn't want, you will get Koi that might not make the best breeders. Take the time to research the best Koi farms around the world and order a good base for your breeding program. There are many types of Koi and so you'd be wise to decide on what types you want to specialize in.
5. Once you have your pond and Koi ready and breeding, it's time to start marketing your fish. You'll want to start going to Koi Shows and involve yourself in your local Koi club to start spreading the word about your world class Koi for sale. In a nutshell that is start a Koi farm, but learn about disease prevention too. There is a lot to farming Koi and it takes practice to learn how. I have an indoor fish pond with a handful of Koi well on their way to becoming my little school of breeding stock. If I can do it, you can do it too! You just have to love it!
Tags: breeding stock, fish pond, gold fish, keep them, learn about, they need, until they