Monday, December 21, 2015

Salary Of Alabama State Senators

Alabama state senators earn $10 per day during regular legislative sessions.

Alabama has 35 senators, each of them representing approximately 125,000 Alabama citizens, according to the Alabama State Senate. Alabama senators serve four-year terms and have the power, as a body, to amend or substitute revenue bills, as well as the responsibility of confirming certain appointed positions. Senators are paid a salary only during regular and special legislative sessions.

Salary and Reimbursements

Alabama senators earn $10 per day during each regular legislative session. In addition, senators are paid 10 cents per mile for the trip to and from the capitol once during each legislative session. Senators also receive $50 per day for expenses during any legislative session, including regular, special and organizational sessions. The year-round monthly expense allowance for Alabama senators is $4,108, explains the Alabama State Legislature.

Committees and Subcommittees

In addition to the $10 per day for regular sessions, Alabama senators serving on an official legislative committee or subcommittee earn $50 per day for attendance at committee meetings. Senators are reimbursed at a rate of 51 cents per mile for one trip to attend committee meeting sessions, according to the Alabama State Legislature.


To be eligible to run for senator in the state of Alabama, a candidate must be at least 25 years of age, eligible to vote and must have lived in Alabama as a citizen for a minimum of three years. In addition, the Alabama State Legislature states that a senate candidate must have lived in the district which he or she hopes to represent for a full year preceding the election. If elected, the senator must continue residence in the represented district throughout the senate term. An individual is ineligible to run for Alabama senator if he or she has been convicted of perjury, embezzlement of public money or bribery.


Senators in standing committees who meet when the legislature is not in session are reimbursed for travel expenses, based on the current reimbursement rate for state employees. Once elected, a senator deemed corrupt by two-thirds of votes in both the house and the senate can be expelled from the senate and is thereafter no longer eligible to run for or hold the post, according to the Alabama State Legislature.

Tags: Alabama State, Alabama senators, Alabama State Legislature, State Legislature, according Alabama, according Alabama State, legislative session